. Which of the following factors helps a child develop a positive self-concept?

A. Material wealth
B. The sex of the child
C. Family relationships
D. Conflicts with teachers

And your answer is?

family relationships

Family relationships

To determine which factor helps a child develop a positive self-concept, let's analyze each option:

A. Material wealth: While having material wealth can provide opportunities and comforts, it is not a direct factor in developing a positive self-concept. Self-concept is more influenced by internal factors such as attitudes, abilities, and experiences.

B. The sex of the child: The sex of the child does not determine their self-concept. Self-concept is shaped by a variety of factors and is individual to each person.

C. Family relationships: Family relationships play a significant role in shaping a child's self-concept. Positive and supportive relationships within the family help promote feelings of security, acceptance, and self-worth, leading to a positive self-concept.

D. Conflicts with teachers: Conflicts with teachers can have a negative impact on a child's self-concept. These conflicts can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and a negative perception of oneself.

Based on the above analysis, the factor that helps a child develop a positive self-concept is C. Family relationships.