1)Carson lost 5 pounds in one week. What property is used in this situation? Why?

2)Frankie wanted to buy a new hat for $14, but left the store without buying anything. What property is used in this situation? Why?

1) The property used in this situation is subtraction. Carson lost 5 pounds, which means his weight decreased by 5 units. Subtraction is used here to show the difference between Carson's original weight and his weight after losing the pounds.

To find the answer, you would need to subtract the amount of weight Carson lost (5 pounds) from his original weight or the weight he had before losing the pounds. For example, if Carson's original weight was 150 pounds, you would subtract 5 from 150: 150 - 5 = 145 pounds.

2) The property used in this situation is addition. Frankie left the store without buying anything, which means he did not spend any money. Addition is used here to show the accumulation or total amount of money spent.

To find the answer, you would need to add the cost of the hat Frankie wanted to buy ($14) to the amount of money he spent (which is 0 since he left without buying anything). For example, if Frankie decided to buy the hat, you would add $14 to $0: $14 + $0 = $14.