A woman was tired of being asked how old she was, so she composed the following riddle

Four times two and nine times three, add that to my age and it will be, as much two tens and four, plus twice my age minus a score.

To solve this riddle, we need to translate it into a mathematical equation and solve for the woman's age.

Let's break down the riddle into smaller parts:

"Four times two" can be written as 4*2 = 8.
"Nine times three" can be written as 9*3 = 27.

Now let's write the equation using these values:

(age) + 8 + 27 = 2*10 + 4 + 2*(age) - 20

Simplifying the equation:

(age) + 35 = 20 + 4 + 2*(age) - 20

Combining like terms:

(age) + 35 = 24 + 2*(age)

Moving terms around to isolate the variable:

35 - 24 = 2*(age) - (age)

11 = (age)

Therefore, the woman's age is 11 years old.

To verify the answer, you can substitute the value of age back into the original equation and check if both sides of the equation are equal.