Can you please check my answers?

1. Throughout the night the security guard walked from store to store. Subject: guard Verb: walked
Prepositional phrase: throughout the night, from store to store
2. The meeting concerning the new town hall met at the library. Subject: meeting verb: met Phrase: concerning the new town hall, at the library
3. During the celebration everyone except mother flew to San Diego. Subject: everyone Verb: flew
Phrase: during the celebration, except mother
4. On the moonlit night, the deer appeared in a field by the quiet stream. Subject: deer verb: appeared phrase: on the moonlit night, in a field, by the quiet stream
5. The student walked out the door among his friends during graduation practice.
Verb: walked subject: student phrase: out the door, among his friends, during graduation practice.
6. The treasure was buried underneath a tree near the railroad car. Subject: treasure verb: was
Phrase: buried underneath a tree near the railroad car
7. The movie star walked among the fans and across the street to the theater. Verb: walked, across subject: star phrase: among the fans, to the theater
8. Out the door and into the car scurried the woman with her brown briefcase. Verb: scurried
Subject: woman phrase: out the door, into the car, with her brown briefcase
9. The person beside me plays a flute on our band. Verb: plays subject: person phrase: beside me, on our band
10. The dancers waltzed off the floor and went outside for some cool air. Subject: dancers verb: waltzed phrase: off the floor, went outside for some cool air
11. Go to the snack bar before the movie.
Subject:( you) verb: go phrase: to the snack bar, before the movie
12. From 5 o'clock until 8 o'clock, I wandered around the building to find my mother. Subject: I verb: wandered phrase: from 5 o'clock until 8 o'clock, around the building, to find my mother
13. Some spectators in the back row of the rodeo jeered at the clowns after the last event.
Verb: jeered subject : spectators phrase: in the back row, after the last event
14. Around the house and across the street ran a little squirrel with an acorn in his mouth. Verb: ran
Subject: squirrel phrase: around the house, across the street, with an acorn, in his mouth
15. During the storm, the wind blew inside the house from the north. Verb: blew subject: wind phrase: during the storm, inside the house, from the north

There are three phrases in 1, 3

6. Was is a helping verb. What is the main verb? There are two phrases.
7 is all goofed up. The verb and two phrases are right.
10. This sentence has two verbs and two phrases.
12. to find is not a prepositional phrase.
13. There are two more phrases.

Everything else is right.

Your analysis of the sentences is almost correct. However, there are a couple of corrections:

1. Throughout the night, the security guard walked from store to store.
- Subject: security guard
- Verb: walked
- Prepositional phrase: throughout the night, from store to store

2. The meeting concerning the new town hall took place at the library.
- Subject: meeting
- Verb: took place
- Prepositional phrase: concerning the new town hall, at the library

3. During the celebration, everyone except the mother flew to San Diego.
- Subject: everyone
- Verb: flew
- Prepositional phrase: during the celebration, except the mother

4. On the moonlit night, the deer appeared in a field by the quiet stream.
- Subject: deer
- Verb: appeared
- Prepositional phrases: on the moonlit night, in a field, by the quiet stream

5. The student walked out the door among his friends during graduation practice.
- Subject: student
- Verb: walked
- Prepositional phrases: out the door, among his friends, during graduation practice

6. The treasure was buried underneath a tree near the railroad car.
- Subject: treasure
- Verb: was buried
- Prepositional phrases: underneath a tree, near the railroad car

7. The movie star walked among the fans and across the street to the theater.
- Subject: movie star
- Verb: walked
- Prepositional phrases: among the fans, across the street, to the theater

8. Out the door and into the car scurried the woman with her brown briefcase.
- Subject: woman
- Verb: scurried
- Prepositional phrases: out the door, into the car, with her brown briefcase

9. The person beside me plays the flute in our band.
- Subject: person
- Verb: plays
- Prepositional phrases: beside me, in our band

10. The dancers waltzed off the floor and went outside for some cool air.
- Subject: dancers
- Verb: waltzed, went
- Prepositional phrases: off the floor, outside, for some cool air

11. You should go to the snack bar before the movie.
- Subject: you
- Verb: go
- Prepositional phrases: to the snack bar, before the movie

12. From 5 o'clock until 8 o'clock, I wandered around the building in search of my mother.
- Subject: I
- Verb: wandered
- Prepositional phrases: from 5 o'clock until 8 o'clock, around the building, in search of my mother

13. Some spectators in the back row of the rodeo jeered at the clowns after the last event.
- Subject: spectators
- Verb: jeered
- Prepositional phrases: in the back row, at the clowns, after the last event

14. Around the house and across the street, a little squirrel ran with an acorn in its mouth.
- Subject: squirrel
- Verb: ran
- Prepositional phrases: around the house, across the street, with an acorn in its mouth

15. During the storm, the wind blew inside the house from the north.
- Subject: wind
- Verb: blew
- Prepositional phrases: during the storm, inside the house, from the north

Make sure to include "the" before specific objects or persons (e.g., "the mother," "the clowns") and use the appropriate pronouns (e.g., "its" for the squirrel). Overall, you've done a great job!