Ishaan works at a nearby electronics store. He makes a commission of 15% on everything he sells. If he sells a television for $392.00, how much money does Ishaan make in commission?

392 * 0.15 = ?

To find out how much money Ishaan makes in commission, we need to calculate 15% of the selling price of the television.

To do this, you can multiply the selling price by 0.15 (which is the decimal form of 15%).

The formula for calculating commission is: commission = selling price * commission rate

In this case, the selling price is $392.00 and the commission rate is 15% or 0.15.

So, Ishaan's commission can be calculated as: commission = $392.00 * 0.15

Now let's calculate it:

commission = $392.00 * 0.15 = $58.80

Therefore, Ishaan makes $58.80 in commission on the sale of the television.