What view did Thomas Jefferson NOT hold?

A)Rule by wealthy class

B)pro-French ideas

C)strong state government

D)pro-state banks

Please help I'm so confused.

pro-french ideas

To determine which view Thomas Jefferson did not hold, we can look at the options given and evaluate each one.

A) Rule by wealthy class: Thomas Jefferson did not support the rule by a wealthy class. He believed in a more egalitarian society and championed the rights of all citizens, not just the wealthy.

B) Pro-French ideas: Thomas Jefferson was a strong supporter of the French Revolution and often sympathized with the ideas and principles emerging from France.

C) Strong state government: Thomas Jefferson was a strong advocate for states' rights and believed in decentralized government power. He championed the idea of empowering state governments and limiting the power of the federal government.

D) Pro-state banks: Thomas Jefferson strongly opposed the existence of a central bank, such as the Bank of the United States. He believed that such institutions concentrated power in the hands of a few and would undermine the rights of states and individuals.

Therefore, based on the given options, the view that Thomas Jefferson did not hold is A) Rule by wealthy class.