a sample of a compound with a mass of 0.4168g is extracted from a plant. Decompostion of this sample produces 0.1667g of carbon, 0.2223g oxygen, and the remainder is hydrogen. What is the percentage compostion (by mass) of the compound?

.1667/.4168 = .400 is Carbon = 40%

.2223/.4168 = .533 is Oxygen = 53.3 %

.067 is H = 6.7 %

To find the percentage composition of a compound, we need to determine the masses of each element present in the compound. Here's how we can calculate it step by step:

1. Calculate the mass of hydrogen:
Given that the mass of the compound is 0.4168g and the masses of carbon and oxygen are given, we can find the mass of hydrogen by subtracting the sum of carbon and oxygen masses from the total mass of the compound:
Mass of Hydrogen = Total mass of compound - Mass of Carbon - Mass of Oxygen

Mass of Hydrogen = 0.4168g - 0.1667g - 0.2223g

2. Calculate the percentage composition of each element:
Percentage composition of an element = (Mass of that element / Total mass of the compound) x 100

Percentage of Carbon = (Mass of Carbon / Total mass of the compound) x 100
Percentage of Oxygen = (Mass of Oxygen / Total mass of the compound) x 100
Percentage of Hydrogen = (Mass of Hydrogen / Total mass of the compound) x 100

Now, let's calculate the percentages:

Percentage of Carbon = (0.1667g / 0.4168g) x 100
Percentage of Oxygen = (0.2223g / 0.4168g) x 100
Percentage of Hydrogen = (Mass of Hydrogen / 0.4168g) x 100

Simplifying these equations will give you the percentage composition by mass of each element in the compound.

I'll do the calculations for you:

Percentage of Carbon = (0.1667g / 0.4168g) x 100 ≈ 39.97%
Percentage of Oxygen = (0.2223g / 0.4168g) x 100 ≈ 53.39%
Percentage of Hydrogen = (Mass of Hydrogen / 0.4168g) x 100 ≈ 6.64%

Therefore, the percentage composition (by mass) of the compound is approximately 39.97% Carbon, 53.39% Oxygen, and 6.64% Hydrogen.