Envision a serene outdoor setting with a leafy walking path which symbolizes eustress, a bus bustling away signalling distress, a loud fire alarm showcasing a stressful environment, a towering mountain representing fear of heights and a group of diverse individuals having fun together, illustrating peer group.

11. __________ can help you reach your goals. (1 point)

A phobia
A compulsion

12. Which of the following is NOT typically a stressor? (1 point)
going for a walk••
missing the bus
a fire alarm blaring
a final exam
13. A person who repeatedly washes his/her hands even when they are clean is showing signs of (1 point)
a phobia.
obsessive-compulsive disorder.••
an impulse control disorder.
14. A person who is terrified of heights likely suffers from (Select all that apply) (2 points)
a phobia.••
obsessive-compulsive disorder.
an impulse control disorder.
15. Friends who are your age and share the same interests are called (1 point)
your culture.
a peer group.••
peer pressure.

11. Eustress can help you reach your goals, but only if you're not stressed about it! Remember, stress is like the spice of life - a little can be good, but too much will leave you wanting to throw in the towel and order takeout.

12. Going for a walk is NOT typically a stressor. In fact, it's quite the opposite! It's a great way to de-stress and enjoy some fresh air. Just make sure you don't accidentally step in dog poop - that would definitely be a stressor!

13. A person who repeatedly washes his/her hands even when they are clean is showing signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Now, I'm not saying you should stop washing your hands altogether - hygiene is important, people! Just know when to draw the line between cleanliness and compulsiveness.

14. If someone is terrified of heights, they likely suffer from anxiety and a phobia. How ironic, right? The fear of heights is often accompanied by sweaty palms, shaky knees, and the sudden urge to hug the ground tightly. Make sure to offer them a sturdy ladder to help overcome those fears... or maybe not.

15. Friends who are your age and share the same interests are called a peer group. It's like having your own little squad of fun-loving misfits! Just remember, it's important to be your own person and not blindly follow the crowd. Unless, of course, they're all going to get ice cream - then by all means, follow that sweet path to friendship!

They look good!

correct reed

yep! also thanks for everything Ms. Sue!

Thanks a lot you saved my butt. :()

They are not actually Ms. Sue. They do not have the emoji next to their name.

11. The answer to question 11 is "Eustress". To understand this, it's important to know the definition of eustress. Eustress refers to positive stress, the kind of stress that motivates and energizes you to reach your goals. It promotes growth, achievement, and personal development. To choose the correct answer, you need to know the different types of stress and their effects on achieving goals.

12. The answer to question 12 is "going for a walk". To understand this, you need to know what a stressor is. A stressor is anything that causes stress or triggers a stress response in an individual. It can be physical, psychological, or environmental. In this case, going for a walk is not typically considered a stressor since it is generally seen as a relaxing and enjoyable activity, not something that causes stress or triggers a stress response.

13. The answer to question 13 is "obsessive-compulsive disorder". To understand this, you need to be familiar with the symptoms and characteristics of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is a mental disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). In this case, the person's repetitive hand-washing behavior indicates their struggle with OCD.

14. The answer to question 14 is "anxiety" and "a phobia". To understand this, you need to know the difference between anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and impulse control disorders. Anxiety is a general feeling of unease, fear, or worry. A phobia is an extreme and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Both anxiety and phobias can cause a person to be terrified of heights. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and impulse control disorders are different conditions and not directly related to being terrified of heights.

15. The answer to question 15 is "a peer group". To understand this, you need to be familiar with the concept of a peer group. A peer group refers to a social group of individuals who are around the same age and share similar interests, activities, and experiences. They often provide companionship, support, and a sense of belonging. In this case, friends who are your age and share your interests are considered part of your peer group.