AT&T:$0.08 per minute,$5 monthly fee

VOIP:(cable phone):free calls,$35 monthly fee
Cell:$40 for first 400 minutes,$0.25 per minute after 400
equation for each?
how to graph?

To determine the cost equations for each option, we need to understand how the cost varies with the number of minutes used.

1. AT&T:
The cost equation for AT&T can be defined as:
Cost = ($0.08 * Minutes) + $5
Here, the first term ($0.08 * Minutes) represents the cost per minute, and the second term ($5) represents the monthly fee.

2. VOIP (cable phone):
Since VOIP offers free calls, the cost equation is straightforward:
Cost = $35
Here, there are no additional costs per minute, and the entire cost is the fixed monthly fee of $35.

3. Cell:
For the cell phone plan, the cost equation depends on the number of minutes used. We can define it using a piecewise function:
Cost = $40, if Minutes ≤ 400
Cost = ($40 + $0.25 * (Minutes - 400)), if Minutes > 400
In this equation, if the number of minutes used is less than or equal to 400, the cost remains constant at $40. However, if the usage exceeds 400 minutes, an additional cost of $0.25 per minute is added to the base cost of $40.

To graph these cost equations, you can create a graph with the minutes used on the x-axis and the cost on the y-axis. For each option, plot the points based on the respective cost equations. Connect these points to observe the cost variation with increasing minutes. Additionally, you can use different colored lines or markers to distinguish between the cost equations for each plan.