A train leaves San Diego at 1:00 PM. A second train leaves the same city in the same direction at 4:00 PM. The second train travels 78 mph faster than the first. If the second train overtakes the first at 6:00 PM, what is the speed of each of the two trains?

speed of slower train --- x mph

speed of faster train --- x + 78 mph

time of slower train to overtaking = 5 hrs
(form 1:00 to 6:00)
time of faster train to overtaking = 2 hrs

5x = 2(x+78)

solve for x

Let's assume the speed of the first train is x mph.

Since the second train travels 78 mph faster, the speed of the second train is x + 78 mph.

From 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the first train has been traveling for 5 hours.

From 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the second train has been traveling for 2 hours.

In that time, the first train travels a distance of 5x miles (since distance = speed * time).

The second train covers the same distance in 2 hours, so its distance is 2(x + 78) miles.

Since both trains cover the same distance when the second train overtakes the first, we have the equation:

5x = 2(x + 78)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

5x = 2x + 156

3x = 156

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:

x = 52

So, the speed of the first train is 52 mph.

The speed of the second train is x + 78 = 52 + 78 = 130 mph.

Therefore, the speed of the first train is 52 mph and the speed of the second train is 130 mph.

To find the speeds of the two trains, let's break down the information given:

1. The first train leaves San Diego at 1:00 PM.
2. The second train leaves San Diego at 4:00 PM, three hours after the first train.
3. The second train overtakes (catches up to) the first train at 6:00 PM, which is two hours after the second train departs.
4. The second train travels 78 mph faster than the first train.

To start, we need to find the time it takes for the second train to catch up to the first train. Since the second train overtakes the first train at 6:00 PM, and it departs three hours after the first train, the second train catches up to the first train in 2 hours.

Now, let's denote the speed of the first train as "x" mph. Since the second train travels 78 mph faster, the speed of the second train is "x + 78" mph.

We can now use the formula: Distance = Speed × Time

For the first train:
Distance covered = x mph × 2 hours

For the second train:
Distance covered = (x + 78) mph × 2 hours

Since the two distances are the same (the second train catches up to the first train), we can equate the two equations:

x × 2 = (x + 78) × 2

Simplifying the equation, we get:

2x = 2x + 156

By canceling out the common terms, we are left with:

0 = 156

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