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Writing Ratios

1. Top-of-the-line monster masks are made of rubbery silicone, using a liquid silicone base and a catalyst (substance that speeds up a chemical reaction) in a ratio of 1 to 1. What is the ratio of catalyst to total ingredients?
My answer: 1:2, 1 to 2, or 1/2

2. You want to make a bright-red silicone mask. For every 100 grams of silicone mix, you need to add 5 grams of red coloring.
2A. What is the ratio of total ingredients to coloring in simplest terms?
My answer: 105 to 5
2B. If you start with 150 grams of silicone mix, how many grams of coloring will you need?
My answer: 7.5 g

1. The ratio of catalyst to total ingredients is 1:1. This means that for every 1 unit of catalyst, you need 1 unit of the liquid silicone base. So, the correct ratio is 1:1.

2A. To simplify the ratio of total ingredients to coloring, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers. In this case, the GCD of 105 and 5 is 5. Dividing both numbers by 5 gives you 21 and 1. So, the simplified ratio is 21:1.

2B. If you start with 150 grams of silicone mix and you need 5 grams of coloring for every 100 grams of silicone mix, you can set up a proportion to find out how many grams of coloring you will need.

150 g / 100 g = x g / 5 g

Cross-multiplying and solving for x, you get:

(150 g)(5 g) = (100 g)(x g)
750 g = 100x

Therefore, x = 7.5 g. So, you will need 7.5 grams of coloring for your 150 grams of silicone mix.