Please could you show the working out for the following.


Please could you send the working out for these.


Working out r=9-7jk+4jt^2

To solve the equation W + 6tw = 11 - w, we need to isolate the variable W on one side of the equation. Here's the step-by-step working:

1. Start by rearranging the equation:
W + 6tw + w = 11

2. Combine like terms:
W + 7tw = 11

3. Now, we want to move the terms involving W to the opposite side. To do this, subtract W from both sides:
7tw = 11 - W

4. At this point, we have an equation with two variables: t and W. If you have a specific value for t or any additional information, you can substitute it in. Otherwise, we can't solve the equation for exact values. However, if you need to solve for one variable in terms of the other, we can make W the subject of the formula:

Divide both sides by 7t:
W = (11 - W) / (7t)

5. That's the final equation expressing W in terms of other variables.