Score of Janet in Maths is 25 more than two-third of her score in English. If she scores x marks in English, what is her score in Maths ?

(2/3)x + 25 = M



To find Janet's score in Math, we can use the given information that her Math score is 25 more than two-thirds of her English score.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Let's represent Janet's score in English as "x".
2. Two-thirds of Janet's English score would be (2/3) * x.
3. Adding 25 to two-thirds of Janet's English score, we get (2/3) * x + 25.
4. Hence, Janet's score in Math would be (2/3) * x + 25.

So, her score in Math is (2/3) * x + 25.