An illustration showing a plain 4" by 6" photograph, with no distinguishing marks or features, inserted in a simple, rectangular frame with a width of 3/4" for each side. The frame has no added decorations or details. The setting is neutral and without distractions so the focus is purely on the framed photograph. Render this image in a realistic and clear manner, emphasizing the dimensions.

A 4" by 6" photograph is in a frame 3/4" wide. What is the outer perimeter of the framed photograph?

5.5 inches 7.5 inches perimeter is 13 inches

4 + [2 * (3/4)] = ______ inches

6 + [2 * (3/4)] = _______inches

P = 2L + 2W

P = ?




Leland wants to paint a portrait for his parents using a photograph of them that is 5 inches wide by 8 inches high. He wants the portrait to be proportional to the photograph and 42 inches high. Which proportion can Leland use to find w, the width he needs to use to make the portrait proportion

To find the outer perimeter of the framed photograph, we first need to calculate the dimensions of the framed photograph.

The photograph is a rectangle with dimensions 4 inches by 6 inches. The frame is 3/4 inch wide on all sides.

To get the dimensions of the framed photograph, we need to add twice the width of the frame to each side of the photograph.

The width of the framed photograph will be:
4 inches + (2 × 3/4) inches + (2 × 3/4) inches = 4 inches + 3/2 inches + 3/2 inches = 4 inches + 1.5 inches + 1.5 inches = 4 inches + 3 inches = 7 inches

Similarly, the length of the framed photograph will be:
6 inches + 3/2 inches + 3/2 inches = 6 inches + 1.5 inches + 1.5 inches = 6 inches + 3 inches = 9 inches

Now that we have the dimensions of the framed photograph, we can calculate the outer perimeter by adding up all four sides:

Perimeter = 2 × (Length + Width)
Perimeter = 2 × (9 inches + 7 inches)
Perimeter = 2 × 16 inches
Perimeter = 32 inches

Therefore, the outer perimeter of the framed photograph is 32 inches.