Simplify each of the following expressions. Be sure that your answer has no negative or fractional exponents.



think that's right

I do not see a division

6 x^1 y^2

there are negative exponents which move it to the denominator.

x^2 x^-1 = x^1


x^2/x^1 = x^1

y^5/y^3 = y^2

To simplify the expression (2x^2 • y^-3)(3x^-1y^5), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients (numbers) together. In this case, we have 2 and 3, so their product is 2 x 3 = 6.

Step 2: Multiply the variables with the same base together. In this case, we have x's and y's.

For the x's:
- Multiply the coefficients (exponents) together: 2 x (-1) = -2.
- Write x^-2 as 1/x^2 (since a negative exponent indicates taking the reciprocal).
- Multiply the variables: x^2 • 1/x^2 = 1 (the x terms cancel out).

For the y's:
- Multiply the coefficients (exponents) together: -3 + 5 = 2 (add the exponents since they have the same base y).
- Write y^2 as y^2 (leave it as it is since the exponent is positive).

Step 3: Combine the simplified variables and coefficients together. In this case, we have 1 (from the x terms) multiplied by y^2 (from the y terms). Therefore, we can rewrite the expression as 6y^2.

So, the simplified expression is 6y^2.