Indicate which property is illustrated in Step 5.

Step 5: =(4+4)x+(9+9)

A. arithmetic fact
B. associative
C. distributive
D. commutative

i think it's a, but not sure

without knowing step 4, it's hard to say. Both distributive and associative properties are expressed.

I doubt very much that it is a fact, as it's just an expression, with no assertion that it is true.


In Step 5: =(4+4)x+(9+9), the property illustrated is the distributive property. The distributive property states that for any numbers a, b, and c, a(b+c) = ab + ac.

To determine which property is illustrated in Step 5, let's break down the equation:

Step 5: =(4+4)x+(9+9)

In this step, we have the following terms:
- (4+4): This is an arithmetic expression that evaluates to 8.
- (9+9): This is another arithmetic expression that evaluates to 18.

Now let's simplify the equation further:


Based on the simplified equation, we can see that the numbers 8 and 18 are being multiplied by another term (x). In this case, the property being illustrated in Step 5 is the distributive property.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. distributive.