A mix for eight servings requires 2 2/3 cups of water. If i want to make 11 servings how much water do i need? How about 6 servings?

(8/3)/8 = x/11

(8/3)/8 = x/6

Solve for x.

3 and 2/3

To figure out how much water you will need for 11 servings and 6 servings, you will need to use a ratio based on the number of servings.

First, calculate the water-to-servings ratio using the provided information: 2 2/3 cups of water for 8 servings.

Ratio: 2 2/3 cups water / 8 servings

Now, let's find the amount of water required for 11 servings:

Step 1: Set up a proportion using the ratio:
2 2/3 cups water / 8 servings = x cups water / 11 servings

Step 2: Cross-multiply and solve for x:
(2 2/3) * 11 = 8 * x

Step 3: Simplify the equation and solve for x:
(8/3) * 11 = 8 * x
88/3 = 8 * x
x = (88/3) / 8
x = 11/3
x = 3 2/3 cups of water

Therefore, you will need 3 2/3 cups of water for 11 servings.

Now, let's find the amount of water required for 6 servings:

Step 1: Set up a proportion using the ratio:
2 2/3 cups water / 8 servings = x cups water / 6 servings

Step 2: Cross-multiply and solve for x:
(2 2/3) * 6 = 8 * x

Step 3: Simplify the equation and solve for x:
(16/3) = 8 * x
16/3 = 8 * x
x = (16/3) / 8
x = 2/3
x = 2/3 cups of water

Therefore, you will need 2/3 cup of water for 6 servings.