Sketch the phase diagram of argon, Ar, from the following information:

Normal melting point = –187°C
Normal boiling point = ‒186°C
Triple point = ‒189°C, 0.68 atm
Critical point = ‒122°C, 48 atm
Label the triple point, critical point and each phase region in the diagram.

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To sketch the phase diagram of Argon (Ar) using the given information, we need to use the temperature and pressure values for the triple point and critical point, as well as the normal melting and boiling points.

The triple point represents the unique set of conditions where all three phases of a substance coexist in equilibrium. In this case, at a temperature of -189°C and a pressure of 0.68 atm. The critical point represents the conditions above which no amount of pressure can cause the substance to liquefy. In this case, at a temperature of -122°C and a pressure of 48 atm.

Now, let's sketch the phase diagram:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line to represent the temperature axis and a vertical line to represent the pressure axis.

- Label the temperature axis with appropriate values, ranging from below -189°C (to include the triple point) up to above the normal boiling point (-186°C).
- Label the pressure axis with appropriate values, ranging from 0 atm (to include the triple point) up to above the critical pressure (48 atm).

2. Plot the triple point on the diagram. Since the triple point occurs at -189°C and 0.68 atm, find their respective values on the axes and mark the point.

3. Draw a line, starting from the triple point and sloping upwards, to represent the boundary between the solid and vapor phases. This line represents conditions under which the substance can exist in both solid and vapor phases simultaneously.

- Continue the line until it intersects with the temperature axis above the normal boiling point (-186°C).

4. Draw another line, starting from the triple point and sloping downwards, to represent the boundary between the solid and liquid phases. This line represents conditions under which the substance can exist in both solid and liquid phases simultaneously.

- Continue the line until it intersects with the temperature axis below the normal melting point (-187°C).

5. Draw a third line, starting from the critical point and sloping upwards and to the right. This line represents the boundary between the liquid and vapor phases at higher temperatures and pressures.

- Continue the line until it intersects with the axes or until the desired range is covered.

6. Label each region on the phase diagram using the appropriate phase names: solid, liquid, and vapor.

- The region below the solid-liquid line represents the solid phase.
- The region between the solid-liquid line and the vapor line represents the liquid phase.
- The region above the vapor line represents the vapor phase.

7. Finally, label the triple point and the critical point on the phase diagram.

Remember to use the given temperature and pressure values, as well as the range specified by the normal melting and boiling points, to accurately sketch the phase diagram of Argon (Ar).