One-quarter of a bread recipe calls for 2/3 cup of bread flour. How many cups are needed per recipe?

2/3 cup / (1/4 recipe)

multiply top and bottom by 4

= (8/3) cup/recipe

or 2 2/3

13 cup of butter. You want to make 12 of a batch.

13 cup of butter. You want to make 12 of a batch.

To find out how many cups of bread flour are needed per recipe, you need to calculate one-fourth of the amount specified in the recipe.

The recipe calls for 2/3 cup of bread flour, and one-fourth of that amount can be calculated as follows:

(2/3) ÷ 4

To divide a fraction by a whole number, you can multiply the fraction by the reciprocal of the whole number. So in this case, we can rewrite the division as multiplication:

(2/3) × (1/4)

To multiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators together to get the new numerator and multiply the denominators together to get the new denominator:

(2 × 1) / (3 × 4)

Simplifying the numerator and the denominator gives us the final answer:


Since 2/12 is equivalent to 1/6, the recipe requires 1/6 cup of bread flour.

One quarter of bread recipe calls for 2/3 cup of bread flour how many cups are needed per recipe