James walked 212 miles in 23 of an hour. What was his average speed, in miles per hour?

Do you mean?

James walked 2.12 miles in 2/3 of and hour.

and should be an

or do you mean?

James walked 2 1/2 miles in 2/3 of an hour.

and no one answered -__-

Sorry, I meant this one: James walked 212 miles in 23 of an hour. What was his average speed, in miles per hour?

To find James' average speed, we need to divide the total distance he walked by the time it took him to walk that distance.

The total distance James walked is given as 212 miles.

The time it took James to walk that distance is given as 23 of an hour.

To convert 23 of an hour into a decimal, we divide 23 by 60 (minutes in an hour):

23 / 60 = 0.3833 (rounded to four decimal places)

Now, we can calculate James' average speed:

Average speed = Total distance / Time taken

Average speed = 212 miles / 0.3833 hours

Dividing 212 by 0.3833, we get:

Average speed ≈ 552.61685 miles per hour

Therefore, James' average speed, rounded to the nearest mile per hour, is approximately 553 miles per hour.

The median and range of 15 measurements are 18 and 5, respectively. If 3 is subtracted from each of the 15 measurements, which of the following statements regarding the median and range of the modified 15 measurements must be true?