1.) When MacNeil asks, "When before human history has so much humanity collectivity surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy, one mass diversion?"

What is this persuasive technique called?

A. repetition
B. Generalization
C. a rhetorical question
D. a controversial question

2.)2. When MacNeil says that much of television news is, "machine gunning with scraps," he means that?
A. television news covers too much violent crime
B. television news stories are too short and fast
C. television news covers war too much
D. television news lacks high-tech equipment

3.) Which of the following best describes the idea from MacNeil's essay referenced in the previous lesson?
A. It is an opinion presented through an appeal to and emotion
B. It is an opinion presented through an appeal to authority
C. It is a fact presented through a appeal to emotion
D. It is a fact presented through a appeal to authority

4. Something that is trivial is
A. insightful
B. important
C. unusual
D. insignificant

5.)Which of the following sentences uses the word skeptically correctly?
a.)The teacher was trusted by her students, and as a result, they learned their lessons skeptically.
b.)I was confident I’d gotten every question right and handed in my test skeptically.
c.)Seeing the milk’s sell-by date is two weeks in the future, I proceeded to drink it skeptically
d.)After the politician had broken his promises, the general public viewed his pledges

6.)Which of the following sentences contains a verb in the subjunctive mood?
a.)If it rains, we can move the party inside.
b.)If you were taller, you could try out for the basketball team.
c.)Do you believe that the Jacksons are moving to Alaska?
d.)We were going to cook dinner but decided to eat out instead.

7.)Which of the following uses the indicative mood?
a.)I will feel flush after I get my very first paycheck for this job.
b.)I am going to be very wealthy when I receive my inheritance.
c.)If I were rich, I would get convertibles for us both.
d.)Original text
If I win the lottery, I hope that you’ll help me spend the money.

8.)Which of the following best describes the idea from MacNeil’s essay referenced in the previous question?

a.)It is an opinion presented through an appeal to emotion.
b.)It is an opinion presented through an appeal to authority.
c.)It is a fact presented through an appeal to emotion.
d.)It is a fact presented through an appeal to authority.

C, B, A, D, B, D, B, A,

I answered your first four questions yesterday.

5. B - no
6. D - no
7. B - yes
8. A - I don't know

See related questions below.

I don't think any tutors here have read this work.

And we cannot even look up this work because you do not give us the author and title.

Someone should make a forum to every question and quiz in connexus 8th grade

1.) The persuasive technique being used in the first question is C. a rhetorical question. A rhetorical question is a question posed not to elicit an answer, but to make a point or create an effect. In this case, MacNeil is using the rhetorical question to emphasize the significance and societal impact of television as a mass diversion.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the sentence provided and identify the purpose of the question. MacNeil is not seeking a direct response or expecting an answer from the audience. Instead, he uses the question to make a statement about the unprecedented influence of television in human history. This technique helps to engage the reader and provoke thought about the topic.

2.) In the second question, MacNeil's statement that television news is "machine gunning with scraps" means that B. television news stories are too short and fast. This phrase indicates that the news coverage provided by television is brief, fragmented, and lacks depth or substance.

To determine the correct answer, you need to analyze the context and meaning of the phrase "machine gunning with scraps" and consider how it relates to television news. The use of the word "scraps" suggests that the news stories are shallow or inadequate, while the comparison to a machine gun implies rapid and continuous delivery of information. This aligns with option B, which states that television news stories are too short and fast.

3.) The idea from MacNeil's essay referenced in the previous lesson can be best described as A. It is an opinion presented through an appeal to emotion. MacNeil's statement about the surrender of leisure to television is a subjective viewpoint presented with the intention of evoking an emotional response.

To determine the correct answer, consider the nature of the statement and the language used. MacNeil's reference to surrendering leisure and the use of phrases such as "one toy" and "one mass diversion" suggest a subjective perspective rather than an objective fact. Additionally, the statement aims to trigger an emotional reaction by emphasizing the collective impact of giving up leisure time to television.

4.) Something that is trivial is D. insignificant. Trivial refers to things or matters that are of little importance or significance.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the meaning of the word "trivial" and select the option that represents the opposite or closest antonym. In this case, "insignificant" best captures the meaning of trivial.

5.) The sentence that uses the word skeptically correctly is C. Seeing the milk’s sell-by date is two weeks in the future, I proceeded to drink it skeptically. The word "skeptically" is used in this sentence to describe the manner in which the action of drinking the milk is performed, indicating doubt or hesitation.

To determine the correct answer, analyze the context and usage of the word "skeptically" in each sentence. In this case, the sentence expresses skepticism or doubt about the quality of the milk due to the future sell-by date.

6.) The sentence that contains a verb in the subjunctive mood is B. If you were taller, you could try out for the basketball team. The verb "were" in this sentence is in the subjunctive mood, indicating a hypothetical or unreal condition.

To determine the correct answer, identify the clause that presents a hypothetical or unreal situation. In this case, the clause "If you were taller" presents a condition that is contrary to reality, as the person being addressed is not currently tall. The use of "were" instead of "are" reflects the subjunctive mood.

7.) The sentence that uses the indicative mood is D. If I win the lottery, I hope that you'll help me spend the money. The phrase "I win the lottery" is presented as a condition that may or may not happen, without any implied doubt or uncertainty.

To determine the correct answer, analyze the mood of each sentence by considering the certainty or uncertainty expressed in the verb tense. In this case, the sentence offers a hypothetical condition (winning the lottery), but it is presented as a real possibility without any doubt or uncertainty.

8.) The idea from MacNeil's essay referenced in the previous question can be best described as A. It is an opinion presented through an appeal to emotion. MacNeil's essay likely includes statements reflecting his personal perspective and subjective view on the impact of television, which is intended to evoke an emotional response from the reader.

To determine the correct answer, consider the nature of MacNeil's essay and the characteristics of the statement being referred to. Opinion implies a subjective viewpoint, and an appeal to emotion suggests that the statement is designed to evoke an emotional response from the audience rather than relying solely on logical or factual arguments.