Why is the muluki ain of 2020 B.S considered as a big reform in the history of Nepal?


Be sure to read carefully several of the websites in these search results. You should learn enough to be able to write a good answer in your own words.

It is because.

1.It has brought reform in the social sector
2.It has eradicate the problems like polygamy, mismatched marriage,widow marriage etc.
3.It has made to abolish untouchability for first time in Nepal.


The Muluki Ain of 2020 B.S (1963 A.D) is considered a significant reform in the history of Nepal for several reasons. It introduced a comprehensive legal code that replaced the previous complex and outdated legal system, which had been in place for over a century. This new legal code aimed to modernize and streamline the legal framework of the country.

To understand why the Muluki Ain was considered a big reform, let's break down the key factors:

1. Legal Consolidation: The Muluki Ain consolidated various existing laws, regulations, and legal practices into a single code. It aimed to bring uniformity and consistency in the legal system, making it easier for people to understand and navigate. This simplified and accessible legal framework was a major step forward in promoting justice and equality.

2. Modernization: The Muluki Ain introduced progressive changes by incorporating elements of modern legal systems from around the world. It reflected the influence of European legal practices, such as codifying laws, distinguishing civil and criminal offenses, and implementing a system of fines, imprisonment, and compensations. This modernization helped align Nepal's legal system with global standards.

3. Social Reforms: The Muluki Ain addressed various societal issues by abolishing discriminatory practices prevalent in Nepalese society at the time. It prohibited caste-based discrimination and untouchability, and made efforts to enhance the status of women. These provisions were significant in promoting social equality and justice.

4. Property and Land Reforms: The Muluki Ain made efforts to reform the land and property rights system. It aimed to ensure fair distribution of land by introducing restrictions on the accumulation of large landholdings. This redistribution of land was a critical step in addressing social and economic inequalities.

To get a detailed understanding of the Muluki Ain's provisions and impact, you can refer to legal texts, historical documents, academic research, and expert opinions. Analyzing these sources will give you a comprehensive view of why it is considered a significant reform in Nepal's history.