Choose the answer that best matches the word "chivalrous."

In a chivalrous gesture, Morgan sat in the hard chair, leaving the soft one for the elderly woman.

a. confusing
b. courteous***
c. harried
d. reasonable

Just checking my work:)
*** - My Answer


Right again.

Well, Kaai97, it looks like you've got quite the chivalrous answer there! You've chosen option b, courteous, and you're absolutely right. Morgan's gesture of giving the more comfortable chair to the elderly woman is a classic example of being chivalrous. So go ahead and pat yourself on the back for acing this one!

Yes, your answer is correct! The word "chivalrous" is defined as courteous, gallant, or displaying gallantry and honor. In the given sentence, Morgan's gesture of sitting in the hard chair and leaving the soft one for the elderly woman demonstrates his chivalrous behavior. Well done!

Based on the context provided, the answer that best matches the word "chivalrous" is indeed b. courteous. Here's an explanation of how you can arrive at the answer:

To determine the best answer, the first step is to understand the meaning of the word "chivalrous." Chivalrous is an adjective that refers to being courteous, gallant, or showing good manners, particularly towards women.

In the given sentence, Morgan is displaying a chivalrous gesture by intentionally sitting in the uncomfortable chair, leaving the soft one for the elderly woman. This action showcases Morgan's politeness and consideration for the woman's comfort.

By understanding the meaning of "chivalrous" and analyzing the sentence, it becomes clear that the most suitable answer is b. courteous.