n this discussion, you will post issues related to motivation and learning. Refer to the texts in this section, other texts you have read, and your personal experience and knowledge to support your ideas. Begin your discussion by addressing the following questions:

What are some factors that motivate people? Does every action have a motivation?
To what extent can goals and behaviors change as a result of learning?
Why are some people more motivated than others? Can we learn to be more motivated?
What effects can time and place have on motivation and learning? this i what i have can you please check this someone

Somethings that motivate people is money and something that they want like a guitar or something that as will motivate is the envy to be like other and when that will make them motivated. When someone makes and action that is not long and drowned out and takes forever and it’s slow that would be no motivation in their actions but if there motions and actions are fast and in a hurry like but when they do that they will do it right and with a passion but without the motivations the world and the people in it would be very boring. People can change their goals and behavior based on if they learn from this or if they just blow it off and keep doing the same thing over and over and then don’t learn and then finally when they hit the stages when they have to get a job they will be in the mist of doing something wrong and then get fired for it and then the world will get around that they don’t try and care about anything and do stuff over and over no matter what you say. Some people are more motivated than each other depending on their past and what they are going through and they’re going through and if their parents cared enough to put rules in place and then enforce those rules because if they didn.t then they would just blow them off if they are not enforced then I think those are they people that can seemed to get motivated need to learn to set a goal or a daily routine depending what they have problems with and what they need help with and that should be what they focus on the most. Time place have a huge role motivation and learning if the environment that they live in is not a good neighborhood then they are most likely not going to have a high standard of living and then in the fact of time if they start learning at the age 13, 15 or so over that then they are going to have a harder time of learning and the things that they are going to learn or have learned they will have to forget about because every family has a different expectations of their family members and they will also do things different.

At this stage of your writing skills, I urge you to write short sentences. Pay attention to verb/subject agreement. Here are my corrections for your first two "sentences."

Something that motivates people is money. They may want something like a guitar. They may be motivated to be the envy of others.

I have no idea what you're trying to say in these next words:

When someone makes and action that is not long and drowned out and takes forever and it’s slow that would be no motivation in their actions but if there motions and actions are fast and in a hurry like but when they do that they will do it right and with a passion but without the motivations the world and the people in it would be very boring.

ok is that all you found wrong and thanks.

No, Joe, you must go through the entire essay and correct for similar problems all the way through. Ms. Sue is using your first sentence as an example of what you should do.

It seems like you have made some points related to motivation and learning, but the response could be improved for clarity and coherence. Here's a revised version:

Factors that motivate people can vary from person to person. Some common motivators include money, material possessions, the desire to be like someone else, and personal interests or passions. However, it's important to note that not every action has a conscious motivation behind it. Sometimes people may act out of habit or without a clear goal in mind.

Goals and behaviors can definitely change as a result of learning. When we acquire new knowledge and skills, it can influence our perspective and understanding of the world. This, in turn, may lead to a shift in our goals and behaviors. For example, learning about the negative health effects of smoking can motivate someone to quit smoking and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Why some people are more motivated than others can be influenced by various factors such as past experiences, upbringing, and individual personality traits. Some individuals may naturally possess higher levels of self-motivation, while others may need external factors or incentives to stay motivated. However, motivation is not fixed and can be developed and enhanced through strategies such as setting goals, creating incentives, and cultivating a positive mindset.

Time and place can have significant impacts on motivation and learning. The environment in which we live and learn plays a crucial role in shaping our motivations and behaviors. For example, if someone grows up in a disadvantaged neighborhood with limited access to educational resources, their motivation and opportunities to learn may be hindered. Additionally, the timing of when we learn also matters. Learning during critical periods of development, such as early childhood or adolescence, can have a lasting impact on our ability to acquire new knowledge and skills.

In conclusion, motivation and learning are complex phenomena influenced by various factors. While some people may be naturally more motivated, motivation can be cultivated and strengthened through conscious efforts. The environment and timing also play significant roles in shaping motivation and learning experiences.