How many degrees warmer is the average temperature -1.7 than -13.4

-1.7-(-13.4) = -1.7 + 13.4 = 11.7o

To find how many degrees warmer one temperature is compared to another, you need to subtract the two temperatures and take the absolute value of the result. In this case, you want to find how many degrees warmer the average temperature of -1.7 is compared to -13.4.

Step 1: Subtract the two temperatures.
-1.7 - (-13.4) = -1.7 + 13.4 = 11.7

Step 2: Take the absolute value of the result.
|11.7| = 11.7

Therefore, the average temperature of -1.7 is 11.7 degrees warmer than -13.4.