Which section of a personal narrative requires the most development?

a. introduction
b. conclusion
c. character introduction
d. plot

U would say d

To determine which section of a personal narrative requires the most development, we need to understand the purpose of each section.

a. Introduction: The introduction sets the stage for the narrative by providing background information and capturing the reader's attention. It should establish the setting, introduce the main characters, and provide a clear statement of the narrative's purpose.

b. Conclusion: The conclusion brings the narrative to a close and provides a sense of resolution. It ties up any loose ends, reflects on the significance of the events, and may convey a final message or lesson.

c. Character Introduction: The character introduction section focuses on introducing the main characters and providing relevant details about them. It helps readers understand the characters' backgrounds, personalities, and motivations.

d. Plot: The plot section is where the main events of the narrative unfold. It includes the rising action, climax, and falling action, presenting the sequence of events that drive the story forward.

With these explanations in mind, it is subjective to determine which section of a personal narrative requires the most development. The level of development needed in each section depends on the specific story and narrative style. However, in many cases, the plot section may require the most development as it encompasses the main events and the core of the narrative. Developing a strong plot, complete with detail, suspense, and character reactions, is crucial for engaging and captivating storytelling.

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