Which value is reflected in Heracles?

What are your choices?

Which do you think is correct?


to disobey the gods?

Is disobedience a value? Is "disobedience" a choice you have been given?

See if this part of the article linked above helps:
"Offsetting his strength was a noticeable lack of intelligence or wisdom. Once, when the temperature was very high, he pulled his bow out and threatened to shoot at the sun. This, coupled with strong emotions in one so powerful, frequently got Heracles in trouble."

To determine which value is reflected in Heracles, we need to examine the characteristics and actions associated with this mythological figure.

Heracles, also known as Hercules, is one of the most famous heroes in Greek mythology. He was known for his incredible strength, bravery, and endurance. One of the central values reflected in Heracles is the concept of heroism.

Heroism typically encompasses qualities like courage, selflessness, determination, and a willingness to face challenges or danger for the greater good. Heracles demonstrated these traits throughout his legendary twelve labors, which were a series of difficult tasks assigned to him as punishment for his wrongdoing.

In each of the labors, Heracles displayed exceptional strength and perseverance as he battled monsters, completed arduous tasks, and overcame seemingly impossible obstacles. He constantly put himself in harm's way to protect and help others, showcasing his heroism.

Moreover, Heracles' journey also emphasized personal growth and the capacity for redemption. Despite facing setbacks, such as driven insane by the goddess Hera and killing his own wife and children, Heracles managed to atone and achieve immortality through his heroic deeds.

In summary, the value reflected in Heracles is heroism – the combination of bravery, selflessness, and determination in the face of adversity. This value is evident in his courageous actions, his commitment to completing the labors, and his ultimate redemption.