how would I go about doing this problem?

a (division sign) 4.9 = 8.33

Since this equation has a division would I solve it? Can I still do the original subtract and add method?...

this is supposed to be a one-step equation

(a/4.9) = 8.33

To solve for a, multiply both sides by 4.9
On the left side the 4.9's will cancel and will leave you a.
On the right side you will have 8.33x(times)4.9
Then a = 8.33x4.9

what is a divided by 4.9 = 8.33

To solve an equation with a division sign, the objective is to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. In this case, you want to isolate "a" on one side of the equation.

To do that, you can reverse the division operation by multiplying both sides of the equation by the divisor, which in this case is 4.9.

Here are the steps to solve the equation:

1. Start with the equation: a ÷ 4.9 = 8.33

2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 4.9: (a ÷ 4.9) * 4.9 = 8.33 * 4.9

This cancels out the division and leaves you with: a = 40.717

So, the value of "a" that satisfies the equation is approximately 40.717.

The original subtract and add method you mentioned is typically used for equations involving addition and subtraction operations, not division. In this case, multiplying both sides by the divisor allows you to eliminate the division sign and isolate the variable you are solving for.