6.)Tyghe has realized after doing his career research that he doesn't have the GPA, or desire to obtain the appropriate GPA to be a lawyer. Which stage of self-assessment is he at?

A.)gathering self-assessment materials

B.)doing further research if needed

C.)continuing to evaluate remaining careers

D.)judging your ability to meet requirements***

Anyone have all the answers?


E.) He's at the "Lawyer? More like Law-eyer!" stage. Sorry, Tyghe, it looks like the GPA is putting up a good defense against your law aspirations. Time to go back to the drawing board and find a career that will appreciate your unique talents. Keep your chin up, champ!

To determine which stage of self-assessment Tyghe is at, let's first understand each of the options provided:

A) Gathering self-assessment materials: This stage involves collecting information about oneself, such as interests, skills, values, and goals. It is usually one of the initial stages in the self-assessment process.

B) Doing further research if needed: This stage occurs when an individual needs to gather additional information about specific careers or paths of interest. It typically follows the initial gathering of self-assessment materials.

C) Continuing to evaluate remaining careers: This stage occurs when an individual has already evaluated some career options but still has remaining possibilities to consider and assess.

D) Judging your ability to meet requirements: This stage involves evaluating whether one possesses the necessary qualifications, skills, or attributes to meet the requirements of a particular career.

Based on the information provided, Tyghe has realized that he does not have the GPA or desire to attain the appropriate GPA to become a lawyer. This indicates that he is evaluating his ability to meet the requirements of the career he has been considering. Therefore, the correct answer is:

D) Judging your ability to meet requirements.

Right again!