A map is given with a scale of 2 cm -1000km.What isthe actual distance between 2 places in kms,if the distance between the two places in the map is 2.5 cm?

1000km/2cm = xkm/2.5cm

Solve for x.


To find the actual distance between the two places in kilometers, we need to use the scale provided on the map.

In this case, the scale is 2 cm - 1000 km. This means that for every 2 centimeters on the map, the actual distance is 1000 kilometers.

Now, we are given that the distance between the two places on the map is 2.5 centimeters.

To find the actual distance in kilometers, we can set up a proportion:

2 cm -> 1000 km
2.5 cm -> x km

Cross-multiplying, we can find the value of x:

2.5 cm * 1000 km = 2 cm * x km

2500 km = 2 km * x

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 2500 km / 2

x = 1250 km

Therefore, the actual distance between the two places is 1250 kilometers.