The officer asked his subordinates to put their files away after completing in good shape.

John asked his son angrily, why he didn't put his books away after reading it.

John asked his friend Joe not to put his books away as he would still to read it.

Please make corrections if any mistakes are there.

The officer asked his subordinates to put their files away after completing them.

John angrily asked his son why he hadn't put his books away after reading them.

John asked his friend Joe not to put his books away as he would still ____ to read them.

Do you understand why I made the changes I did? What word would you put in the blank?

Ma'am please explain whether still follows any verb?

The officer asked his subordinates to put their files away after completing them in good shape.

John asked his son angrily why he didn't put his books away after reading them.

John asked his friend Joe not to put his books away as he still wanted to read them.

There are a few corrections to be made in the sentences you provided:

1. In the first sentence, "completing" needs to be followed by a direct object. So, it should be "completing them" instead of "completing in good shape."

2. In the second sentence, "it" should be plural because it refers to "books." Therefore, it should be "after reading them," not "after reading it."

3. In the third sentence, "he would still to read it" is grammatically incorrect. It should be "he still wanted to read them" because it refers to multiple books.

Apart from these corrections, the sentences seem to be fine.