Select the term that is best evoked by each of the scenarios below. Use complement, contend efficacious, emulate, engross, exploit, facile, implicit, industrious, replicate.

1. The representatives appeal for aid for the disaster victims was so effective that aid literally poured in from around the world. (EFFICACIOUS)
2. The passage suggests a connection between the two events, so I did a little digging to find out more (REPLICATE)
3. The color of your shirt really brings out the color in your eyes (COMPLEMENTS)
4. I thought I had discovered a new chemical compound, but I was unable to reproduce my results (CONTEND)
5. The employer rewarded the hardworking employee with a raise and additional responsibilities (EXPLOIT)
6. I am training to hike to the highest point in the French alps; the hike is two days in the frozen mountains (INDUSTRIOUS)
7. I was so well prepared that the test was a breeze (FACILE)
8. Jeez! I had to shout just to get your attention. Can't you put that game down for a single minute? (ENGROSS)
9. The child is studiously watching the television screen and trying to imitate the movements of the dancer; her awkward little movements are funny to watch (EMULATE)
10. I enjoy watching reality shows that put people against one another in a test of wits and physical stamina (IMPLICIT)

I think:

4 is replicate
10 is contend