There are 18 silver cars, 13 red cars, and 11 brown cars in a parking lot. What fraction of the cars in the parking lot are not silver?

red + brown = 24

total = 24+18 = 42

so 24/42

Simplify the fraction.


To find the fraction of cars in the parking lot that are not silver, we need to calculate the total number of cars that are not silver and then divide it by the total number of cars in the parking lot.

First, let's add the number of silver, red, and brown cars together to find the total number of cars:

Total cars = 18 (silver cars) + 13 (red cars) + 11 (brown cars)

Total cars = 42

So, there are 42 cars in the parking lot.

Now, let's calculate the number of cars that are not silver by subtracting the number of silver cars from the total number of cars:

Not silver cars = Total cars - Silver cars

Not silver cars = 42 - 18

Not silver cars = 24

Therefore, there are 24 cars in the parking lot that are not silver.

To find the fraction of cars that are not silver, we divide the number of cars that are not silver by the total number of cars:

Fraction of cars that are not silver = Not silver cars / Total cars

Fraction of cars that are not silver = 24 / 42

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

Fraction of cars that are not silver = 4 / 7

So, 4/7 or approximately 57.1% of the cars in the parking lot are not silver.