Jeremy has two 7 foot~ long boards. What is the greatest number og 15 inch pieces can he cut from the two boards?

Thanks Ms. Sue

7 * 12 = 84

84 / 15 = 5

2 * 5 = 10

You're welcome, Amy.

To find out the greatest number of 15-inch pieces Jeremy can cut from the two 7-foot long boards, we need to follow a few steps:

1. Convert the length of the boards into inches: Since there are 12 inches in a foot, each board is 7 feet * 12 inches/foot = 84 inches long.

2. Find out how many 15-inch pieces can be cut from each board: Divide the length of each board (84 inches) by the length of each 15-inch piece:
84 inches / 15 inches = 5.6

This means that from each of the 7-foot boards, Jeremy can cut 5.6 (or rounded down to 5) 15-inch pieces.

3. Calculate the total number of 15-inch pieces from both boards: Since Jeremy has two boards, multiply the number of pieces from each board by the number of boards:
5 pieces (from each board) * 2 boards = 10 pieces

Therefore, the greatest number of 15-inch pieces Jeremy can cut from the two 7-foot boards is 10 pieces.

12 is the correct answer

12 is the correct answer

10 is the correct answer

Is the answer 10 or 12????

Because it says both?????
