It take peter 5 hours to pain a Room. It takes Juan 3.75 hours to paint a Room. How much time would it take for them to paint the Room together?

Peter's rate = 1/5 rooms/hour

Juan's rate = 1/3.75 rooms/hr = 100/375 = 4/15

combined rate = 1/5 + 4/15
= 7/15

time at combined rate = 1/(7/15) hrs
= 15/7 hrs
= aprr 2.14 hrs, or 2 hrs and 9 minutes

Thank you

To find out how much time it would take for Peter and Juan to paint the room together, we can use the concept of "work rate." The work rate is the amount of work done in a given unit of time.

First, let's find the work rate of each person. We can calculate the work rate by dividing the amount of work done (in this case, painting a room) by the time taken.

For Peter:
Work rate of Peter = 1 room / 5 hours = 1/5 room per hour

For Juan:
Work rate of Juan = 1 room / 3.75 hours = 1/3.75 room per hour

To find the combined work rate when they work together, we can add their individual work rates:

Combined work rate = Work rate of Peter + Work rate of Juan = 1/5 + 1/3.75 room per hour

Now, to determine how much time it would take for them to paint the room together, we can use the formula:

Time = 1 / Combined work rate

Time = 1 / (1/5 + 1/3.75) hours

By evaluating the expression, we find that it would take them approximately 1.875 hours or 1 hour and 52.5 minutes to paint the room together.