Which of the following correctly revises the the sentence so that it is entirely in active voice?

A. It has been decided by the school at the regular teacher should not evaluate the class; instead, the assessment should be performed by a visiting scholar.
B. The school has decided that the class should not be evaluated by the regular teachers; instead, a visiting scholar should perform the assessment.
C. It has been decided by the school that the regular teacher should not evaluate the class; instead, a visiting scholar should perform the assessment.
D. The school has decided that the regular teacher should not evaluate the class; instead, a visiting scholar should perform the assessment.

Think it over carefully.

active voice definition. One of the two “voices” of verbs (see also passive voice ). When the verb of a sentence is in the active voice, the subject is doing the acting, as in the sentence “Kevin hit the ball.” Kevin (the subject of the sentence) acts in relation to the ball.

Active voice | Define Active voice at Dictionary.com



To determine which sentence correctly revises the original sentence into active voice, we need to identify the subject performing the action in the sentence. In the active voice, the subject carries out the action directly, while in the passive voice, the subject receives the action.

Let's analyze the options:

A. "It has been decided by the school" - Passive voice
B. "The school has decided" - Active voice (correct)
C. "It has been decided by the school" - Passive voice
D. "The school has decided" - Active voice

The correct option is B: "The school has decided that the class should not be evaluated by the regular teachers; instead, a visiting scholar should perform the assessment."

In this sentence, the subject (the school) is performing the action (deciding), making it entirely in active voice.