simulate a 24 hour day 12 hours of light 12 hours of dark how many snails and plants do you ened to keep a stable environment



To simulate a 24-hour day with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark, you would need to consider several factors to maintain a stable environment for snails and plants. Here's a breakdown of the key requirements:

1. Lighting: To provide 12 hours of light, you would need an appropriate light source. Full spectrum LED grow lights or fluorescent lights are commonly used for indoor gardening. Ensure that the light intensity and spectrum match the needs of your plants.

2. Temperature: Maintain a suitable temperature range for both snails and plants. Different species of snails and plants have different temperature preferences, so research the specific requirements of the species you plan to keep. A thermostat-controlled heater or a cooling system may be necessary to regulate the temperature.

3. Humidity: Snails and plants have varying humidity needs. Some snail species require higher humidity levels, while certain plants prefer drier conditions. Consider using a hygrometer to monitor and adjust the humidity levels accordingly. Mist the enclosure as needed or use a humidifier.

4. Enclosure Size: The number of snails and plants you can keep in a stable environment depends on the enclosure's size. Ensure that the enclosure is spacious enough to accommodate the expected growth of both snails and plants. The size should also account for the specific needs of the species you choose.

5. Feeding: Snails need a balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables, fruits, and calcium-rich foods. Research the dietary requirements of the snail species you plan to keep and provide appropriate feed accordingly. For plants, choose suitable potting soil and feed them with appropriate fertilizers based on their specific needs.

It's challenging to provide an exact number of snails and plants needed without knowing the specific species you want to keep and the size of the enclosure. However, it's important to maintain a balanced ecosystem where the snails help recycle nutrients while the plants provide oxygen and food sources for the snails.

Consider researching the specific requirements of the snail and plant species you are interested in and consult with experts or experienced hobbyists to ensure you create an optimal and stable environment for both.

sunflower rainbow

12:00 noon-9:30=2:30 hours in the morning

1 plant and 1 snail

simulate a 24 hour day. How many snails and plants do you need to keep a stable environment?

Ion know

Stable environment where?