I am confused on how to compare

400pt. 100 gal
How do I figure out which is greater or less than when it comes to pt and gallons?

I believe that it is equal to

which one is greater guys is 400 pt greater or is 100 gal grater

To compare different units of measurement, such as pints (pt) and gallons (gal), you need to have a conversion factor that allows you to convert one unit to the other. In this case, the conversion factor from pints to gallons is:

1 gallon = 8 pints

To figure out which is greater or less, you can use this conversion factor to convert one unit to the other, and then compare the values. Let's solve the comparison between 400 pt and 100 gal:

1. Converting pints to gallons:
400 pt = 400 / 8 gal = 50 gal

Now we have both quantities in the same unit (gallons) to compare:
400 pt = 50 gal
100 gal = 100 gal

Comparing the values:
Since 50 gallons (400 pt) is less than 100 gallons, we can conclude that 400 pints is less than 100 gallons.

Therefore, 400pt is less than 100gal.

1.29/0.3 = 12.9 /3 = 129/30

the middle one is easy

Look back over your other problems. Which is larger -- a pint or a gallon?

How many pints are in a gallon?

what is 1.29 divided by 0.3

400 pt < > = 100 gal