After the math contest basil noticed that there were four extra-large pizzas that were left untouched in addition another three slices of pizza we're on even if there were a total 51 slices of pizza left how many slices of pizza does an extra large pizza have?

Please divide this into coherent sentences with appropriate capitalization and punctuation.

I can't make head nor tail of what you're trying to say.

Please correct and repost.

well, 51 = 4*12 + 3


To find out how many slices of pizza an extra-large pizza has, we need to subtract the number of slices that were left untouched (4 pizzas) and the additional 3 slices that were on the oven from the total number of slices that were left (51 slices).

Let's break down the calculation step by step:

1. Start with the total number of slices of pizza left: 51 slices.
2. Subtract the untouched pizzas: 51 slices - (4 pizzas * slices per pizza).
3. Subtract the additional slices on the oven: 51 slices - 3 slices.

Now let's calculate the number of slices per pizza:

4. Subtract the untouched pizzas: 51 slices - (4 pizzas * slices per pizza) = 51 slices - (4 * slices per pizza).
5. Subtract the additional slices on the oven: 51 slices - 3 slices = 51 slices - 3.

Since the problem statement doesn't provide the specific number of slices per pizza, we need to use algebra to find the value.

Let's represent the number of slices per pizza as "x":

4 * x represents the untouched pizzas, and we have 3 extra slices. Therefore, the equation becomes:

51 slices - 4 * x - 3 = 0

Simplifying the equation:

51 - 4x - 3 = 0
48 - 4x = 0
-4x = -48
x = -48 / -4
x = 12

Hence, an extra-large pizza has 12 slices.