What present day states belonged to Mexico in 1820?

Compare this map with a present map of the United States.


To determine which present-day states belonged to Mexico in 1820, we can look at the historical context of that time. In 1820, Mexico was part of the Spanish colonial empire and was known as New Spain. However, it is important to note that the territorial boundaries of Mexico have changed over time. Here's how you can find the answer to your question:

1. Identify the year and context: The question specifies the year 1820, so we know this is the time frame we need to focus on.

2. Research historical maps or sources: Look for historical maps or sources that show the territorial boundaries of Mexico in 1820. These sources can provide information about which regions were under Mexican control during that period.

3. Consult reputable historical references: Use credible historical references, such as books or scholarly articles, that discuss the territorial history of Mexico. These references may provide detailed information on the specific regions that formed part of Mexico in 1820.

It's important to keep in mind that the precise administrative divisions of Mexico may have been different in 1820 compared to the present-day states. Some areas that were part of Mexico in 1820 may have since been divided or changed names. Therefore, consulting historical maps and references will help provide accurate information on the present-day states that belonged to Mexico in 1820.