hello what is b + 6 1/8= 5 3/4

b + 5 9/8 = 5 6/8

Subtract 5 9/8 from both sides.

b + 49/8 = 23/4 = 46/8


b = 46/8 - 49/8

b = -3/8

Thx so much

To solve the equation b + 6 1/8 = 5 3/4, we need to isolate the variable "b" on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
- 6 1/8 can be converted to (8 * 6 + 1)/8 = 49/8.
- 5 3/4 can be converted to (4 * 5 + 3)/4 = 23/4.

The equation becomes b + 49/8 = 23/4.

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by the least common denominator (LCD) to eliminate the fractions.
- The LCD of 8 and 4 is 8. Multiply both sides by 8.
- 8 * b + 8 * (49/8) = 8 * (23/4).
- Simplifying this gives us 8b + 49 = 46.

Step 3: Solve for "b" by isolating the variable.
- Subtract 49 from both sides of the equation.
- 8b + 49 - 49 = 46 - 49.
- 8b = -3.
- Divide both sides of the equation by 8.
- (8b)/8 = -3/8.
- Simplifying this gives us b = -3/8.

Therefore, the solution to the equation b + 6 1/8 = 5 3/4 is b = -3/8.