1. Based on the reading selections in Unit 3 of Journeys in Literature, consider the varied purposes the authors had for writing. What do they reveal about diversity (variety) within the new nation? Note: Do not write about issues with diversity as we see them in the world today. It’s not the same thing. Use at least THREE specific examples (quotations with page numbers) from the textbook to support your analysis. Your answer should be at least one complete paragraph.

Since we don't have your lit. anthology, it's hard to help.

To answer this question, you will need to review the reading selections in Unit 3 of Journeys in Literature and analyze the varied purposes the authors had for writing. Look for examples that reveal diversity within the new nation.

Start by identifying the reading selections in Unit 3 of Journeys in Literature. Once you have identified them, read through each text and pay attention to the intentions behind the authors' writings. Look for quotations or specific examples that demonstrate the diverse purposes.

As you read, make note of any instances where the authors reveal a variety of perspectives, experiences, or cultural backgrounds within the new nation. These examples will help support your analysis.

Once you have chosen at least three specific examples, make sure to include the quotations and page numbers in your answer. This will provide evidence for your analysis and show that you have directly referenced the text.

In your answer, be sure to discuss how these examples reveal diversity within the new nation, without relating it to issues with diversity in the modern world. Focus on the different purposes the authors had for writing and how they reflect the variety within the new nation.

Remember to structure your answer as a paragraph and provide a thoughtful analysis based on the examples you have identified.