Math please 3h plus 1>minus26

3h + 1 > -26

subtract 1 from each side
since you are subtracting from a negative 26you switch the > sign to <
3h < -27
divide both sides by 3
h < -9

no, only if you multiply or divide by negative do you reverse direction

3 h + 1 > -26

3 h > -27

h > -9

check, for example if h = 0
1 is > -26 yes

please read my reply above !

To solve the inequality 3h + 1 > -26, we need to isolate the variable h.

1. Subtract 1 from both sides of the inequality:
3h > -26 - 1
3h > -27

2. Divide both sides of the inequality by 3:
(3h)/3 > (-27)/3
h > -9

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is h > -9.