Math please in a certain school 55 students are taking French this number increases at the rate of 4 student per year the number of student taking Spanish is 95 and has been decreasing at the rate of 6 students per year write and solve an equation to find when the number of students taking French will equal the number of student taking spanich

F = 55 + 4 y

S = 95 - 6 y
so when does F = S ?

55 + 4 y = 95 - 6 y

I bet you can do it now.

To solve this problem, we can use algebraic equations. Let's assume that the number of years it takes for the number of students taking French to equal the number of students taking Spanish is represented by 'x'.

Number of students taking French = 55 + 4x (since it increases by 4 students per year)
Number of students taking Spanish = 95 - 6x (since it decreases by 6 students per year)

We need to find when these two values are equal, so we can set up the equation:

55 + 4x = 95 - 6x

To solve this equation, we can start by isolating the variable on one side:

55 + 4x + 6x = 95

Combine like terms:

10x + 55 = 95

Subtract 55 from both sides:

10x = 95 - 55
10x = 40

Divide both sides by 10 to solve for x:

x = 40/10
x = 4

Therefore, it will take 4 years for the number of students taking French to equal the number of students taking Spanish.