At a halftime show a matching band marched in formation. The lead drummer started at a point with coordinates (-2,-5) and moved 3 steps up and 1 step right.

A. Write a rule to describe the translation
B. What were the coordinates of the drummers final position?

A: Write a rule to describe the translation
(X+1) (Y + 3)
His coordinates are

I don't like your notation.

how about this ?

(x,y) ----> (x+1 , y+3)
((-2,-5) ---> (-2+1 , -5+3) = (-1, -2)

your answer is correct, just clean up that notation a bit.
Is that how you were taught to write it ?

To write a rule to describe the translation, you need to understand how the lead drummer moved.

The lead drummer started at the point (-2,-5) and moved 3 steps up and 1 step right.

In coordinate notation, moving up means increasing the y-coordinate, and moving right means increasing the x-coordinate.

Therefore, the rule to describe the translation would be:
(X + 1) (Y + 3)

To find the coordinates of the drummer's final position, you can apply the translation rule to the starting point.

Starting with the coordinates (-2,-5), we can plug these values into the rule:
X = -2 + 1 = -1
Y = -5 + 3 = -2

Therefore, the drummer's final position is at coordinates (-1,-2).

So, the answer is:
B. The coordinates of the drummer's final position are (-1,-2).