A runner and a walker depart from the same point going in opposite directions on a circular track that is 1 mile long. The runner travels at 9 mph and the walker at 3 mph. After how many minutes will they pass each other?

I know the answer is 5 but I don't know how to get it

clearly the runner travels 3/4 mile and the walker 1/4 mile.

So, how long does it take?

(1/4 mi)/(3 mi/hr) = 1/12 hr = 5 min.

Hi did u call ur self kayci in may 11, 2010?

Im doing the same test u did then..where the answers u got correct?

To determine when the runner and the walker will pass each other on the circular track, you can use the concept of relative speed. Here's how you can calculate the answer:

1. Convert the speeds to miles per minute: Since the question asks for the answer in minutes, we need to convert the speeds from miles per hour (mph) to miles per minute (mpm). To do this, divide both speeds by 60.
- The runner's speed becomes 9 mph ÷ 60 = 0.15 mpm.
- The walker's speed becomes 3 mph ÷ 60 = 0.05 mpm.

2. Calculate the relative speed: Since the runner and the walker are going in opposite directions, their speeds will add up to determine their relative speed. Subtract the walker's speed from the runner's speed.
- 0.15 mpm (runner's speed) - 0.05 mpm (walker's speed) = 0.1 mpm (relative speed).

3. Calculate the time it takes for the runner and walker to meet: Divide the distance of 1 mile by the relative speed to find the time taken for the runner and walker to meet.
- Time = Distance ÷ Speed
- Time = 1 mile ÷ 0.1 mpm = 10 minutes.

Therefore, the runner and the walker will pass each other after 10 minutes. Since the question asks for the answer in minutes, we can say that they will pass each other in 10 minutes.