if a bill is $53.00 tax is 6% and tip is 20% what is the total bill

56 * 1.06 = 56.18

56.18 * 1.2 = ?

To calculate the total bill, you'll need to add the tax and tip amounts to the original bill amount. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Calculate the tax amount: Multiply the bill amount by the tax rate (6% or 0.06).
tax amount = $53.00 * 0.06 = $3.18

2. Calculate the tip amount: Multiply the bill amount by the tip rate (20% or 0.20).
tip amount = $53.00 * 0.20 = $10.60

3. Add the bill amount, tax amount, and tip amount to get the total bill:
total bill = bill amount + tax amount + tip amount
total bill = $53.00 + $3.18 + $10.60 = $66.78

Therefore, the total bill with tax and tip would be $66.78.