What is the distribution of preferred transportation methods among the surveyed participants?

To determine the distribution of preferred transportation methods among surveyed participants, we need to have access to the survey data or any relevant information that includes the preferences of the participants.

If you have the survey data, you can analyze it by following these steps:

1. Collect the survey data: Ensure that you have a dataset that includes the transportation preferences of the surveyed participants. Each participant's response should be recorded, usually in a structured format such as a spreadsheet or database.

2. Categorize the transportation methods: Identify the different transportation methods included in the survey and create appropriate categories. For example, common categories could be "car," "public transport," "bicycle," "walking," etc.

3. Count the responses: Calculate the number of participants who preferred each transportation method. This involves counting the occurrences of each preference within the dataset.

4. Calculate the distribution: Divide the count of each transportation method's preference by the total number of participants to determine the percentage distribution. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

For example, if you surveyed 100 participants and found that 40 preferred cars, 30 preferred public transport, 20 preferred bicycles, and 10 preferred walking, the distribution would be:

- Car: 40 / 100 * 100% = 40%
- Public transport: 30 / 100 * 100% = 30%
- Bicycle: 20 / 100 * 100% = 20%
- Walking: 10 / 100 * 100% = 10%

Note: If you don't have access to the survey data, you may need to refer to any available reports, publications, or studies that provide information on the distribution of preferred transportation methods in your particular demographic or location.

To determine the distribution of preferred transportation methods among the surveyed participants, you will need the following steps:

Step 1: Collect the data from the survey. This may involve obtaining responses from the participants regarding their preferred transportation methods. The data could be in the form of categorical responses such as "car," "public transportation," "walking," "bicycle," etc.

Step 2: Create a tally or frequency table. Take each response and count the number of occurrences for each transportation method. This will provide a summary of the data.

Step 3: Calculate the relative frequency. To determine the distribution, you will need to calculate the relative frequency or proportion of each transportation method. Divide the tally count of each transportation method by the total number of participants. This will give you the percentage of participants who preferred each transportation method.

Step 4: Present the distribution. You can organize the data in a table or a chart to clearly present the distribution of preferred transportation methods among the surveyed participants. This will help visualize the proportion of participants who preferred each transportation method.

Note: The accuracy and reliability of the distribution results depend on the size and representativeness of the survey sample.