A fire hydrant that is 1.5 feet high casts a shadow that is 2.5 feet long. At the same time of day, a lamppost casts a shadow 15 feet long. What is the height of the lamppost?

the post's shadow is 6 times as long as the hydrant's.

So, the post is 6 times as tall.

or, using ratios,

x/15 = 1.5/2.5

it is not 6 its 9 because 2.5/15=1.5/h cross multiply and divide

Awesome Job at writing your questions!

To find the height of the lamppost, we can set up a proportion using the heights and shadows of the fire hydrant and the lamppost.

Let "x" represent the height of the lamppost. The proportion can be set up as follows:

1.5 feet (fire hydrant height) : 2.5 feet (fire hydrant shadow) = x feet (lamppost height) : 15 feet (lamppost shadow)

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and then solve for x.

1.5 * 15 = 2.5 * x

22.5 = 2.5 * x

Next, we divide both sides of the equation by 2.5 to isolate x:

22.5 / 2.5 = x

9 = x

Therefore, the height of the lamppost is 9 feet.