farming changed the people lived because it led to

)how to cultivate plants
)how to hunt native animals
)how to train horses
)how to prepare new foods#####


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And, while I think you're correct in your answer here, the choices are not very good. A, cultivating crops, is also true because that's what agriculture IS. The primary impact of the development of crop cultivation was that it allowed people to settle in one place. Hunter-gatherers tended to move around with the seasons and following game. Once they could grow their own food, they could settle and create villages, etc. Of course, a more stable diet was also a big advantage.

Farming changed the way people lived because it led to how to cultivate plants, how to hunt native animals, how to train horses, and how to prepare new foods.

To understand the impact of farming on people's lives, let's break down each aspect:

1. How to cultivate plants: Before farming, humans relied on gathering food from wild plants or hunting animals for sustenance. With the advent of agriculture, people started to learn how to intentionally cultivate plants, such as wheat, barley, rice, and corn, by sowing seeds and providing favorable conditions for growth. This discovery enabled a more reliable and abundant food source, leading to settled communities and the development of civilizations.

2. How to hunt native animals: While farming provided a source of plant-based food, people still relied on hunting for animal protein. Farming communities needed to learn effective hunting techniques to secure meat and other animal products. This includes understanding animal behavior, using tools such as spears or traps, and adopting hunting strategies that maximized success.

3. How to train horses: As farming developed, the domestication and training of animals became crucial for several agricultural tasks. One of the most significant domesticated animals was the horse. Humans learned how to tame and train horses for transportation, plowing fields, and pulling heavy loads. The use of horses revolutionized farming methods, increasing productivity and the scale of agricultural activities.

4. How to prepare new foods: Farming introduced a wide variety of crops that were not readily available in the wild. People had to learn how to prepare and cook these new foods. They discovered different ways to process and preserve crops, such as grinding grains into flour, fermenting foods, or drying them for long-term storage. This expanded the dietary options and improved nutrition for farming communities.

Overall, the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural society had a profound impact on how humans lived. It transformed their relationship with plants, animals, and the environment, leading to advancements in cultivation practices, hunting techniques, animal domestication, and food preparation methods. These changes brought about settled communities, the growth of civilizations, and the foundations for the modern world.